


A Lynching Memorial Unveiled in Duluth


The New York Times
Published: December 5, 2003


Nations deal with nightmares the same way people do -- by trying to forget them. Among the nightmares that had faded from public memory in the United States until recently, none are more ghastly than the campaign of racial terror that gripped this country from the 1880's to the 1930's, when thousands of black Americans were hanged, mutilated, burned alive or dragged to death while huge crowds looked on.

这些事件有时也被称为“私刑蜜蜂”或“黑人烤肉”, 是以一种可怕的嘉年华会的形式,吸引人潮带着儿童和野餐的食物,从几英里之外赶来。受害者的尸体被拍照成明信片,作为恐吓工具,直到邮寄这种明信片在20世纪初被禁止。私刑,不是总是偶发的暴力。有时是由白人导演的半官方的暴力,他们担心新兴黑人企业家的商业竞争,和仇视那些黑人记者号召性的报纸,这些报纸在第一次世界大战前后开始紧迫而积极地为黑人争取全部的公民权。

Sometimes called ''lynching bees'' or ''Negro barbecues,'' these events were cast as macabre carnivals, which drew crowds with children and picnic baskets from miles around. The victims' bodies were sometimes photographed for postcards, which were used as instruments of terror until mailing such postcards was barred in the early 20th century. Lynching was not always just random violence. It was sometimes semiofficial violence, directed by whites who feared business competition from emerging black entrepreneurs and who hated the crusading newspapers of the Negro press, which began pressing aggressively for full citizenship for black people around World War I.


Americans who know of the violence of this period at all tend to believe that it was confined to the segregationist South. But the fact that lynchings took place in many parts of the country was underscored recently in the northern Minnesota city of Duluth when the city unveiled a moving memorial commemorating the deaths of Elmer Jackson, Elias Clayton and Isaac McGhie, three young black men who were lynched in Duluth in 1920 while a mob of 10,000 looked on.


The dedication drew thousands of people from all over the area. The emotional high point came with a speech by Warren Read, a fourth-grade teacher from Kingston, Wash., who had learned while researching his family that his great-grandfather had helped lead the mob that stormed the local jail and took the three men, who were circus workers, from their cells. His voice choking with emotion, he apologized to the victims and their families.


The memorial in Duluth is part of a national journey that began in the 1990's, when scholars and museums began to pull back the covers on a shameful and horrific period. After nearly a half-century of turning away, the country now seems more ready to look its nightmare squarely in the eye.

1935 lynching of Rubin Stacy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
